Cytokine expression
Sub-Areas to Cytokine expression:
Immune Response Mediators
Heat Shock Protein
(Journal Article): An update on cytokines in the pathogenesis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
Rabinovitch A
Diabetes Metab Rev
1998; 14(2):129-151
Correlation studies between cytokines expressed in islets and autoimmune diabetes development in NOD mice and BB rats have demonstrated that beta-cell destructive insulitis is asso...
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(Journal Article): SOCS-1 protein prevents Janus Kinase/STAT-dependent inhibition of beta cell insulin gene transcription and secretion in response to interferon-gamma.
Cottet S, Dupraz P, Hamburger F, Dolci W, Jaquet M, Thorens B
J Biol Chem
2001; 276(28):25862–25870.-
Impact Factor(s) of J Biol Chem: 6.355 (2004), 6.482 (2003), 7.258 (2001)
In the pathogenesis of type I diabetes mellitus, activated leukocytes infiltrate pancreatic islets and induce beta cell dysfunction and destruction. Interferon (IFN)-gamma, tumor n...
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