Insulin Resistance
Sub-Areas to Insulin Resistance:
Oxidative Stress/Glucose Toxicity
(Journal Article): Insulin resistance, its consequences for the clinical course of the disease, and possibilities of correction in endometrial cancer
Berstein LM, Kvatchevskaya JO, Poroshina TE, Kovalenko IG, Tsyrlina EV, Zimarina TS, Ourmantcheeva AF, Ashrafian L, Thijssen JH
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol
2004; 18(Epub)
Impact Factor(s) of J Cancer Res Clin Oncol: 2.409 (2004), 2.162 (2003), 2.197 (2002), 2.194 (2001)
OBJECTIVES. To study the frequency of insulin resistance (IR) in endometrial cancer patients, its relation to the clinical course of the disease and DNA damage, and to evaluate pos...
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