Sub-Areas to Genetics:
(Journal Article): Genetics of diabetic nephropathy in the Pima Indians
Imperatore G, Knowler WC, Nelson RG, Hanson RL
Curr Diab Rep
2001; 3(1):275-81
ABSTRACT: Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of renal failure in industrialized countries. There is strong evidence that diabetic nephropathy is influenced by genetic factors. Studies... Click HERE for details
(Journal Article): Familial clustering of diabetic nephropathy in Brazilian type 2 diabetic patients
Canani LH, Gerchman F, Gross JL
1999; 48(4):909-13
Impact Factor(s) of Diabetes: 8.848 (2004), 8.298 (2003), 8.256 (2002), 7.7 (2001)
ABSTRACT: There is evidence for genetic predisposition to diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetic patients. However, there are few studies on type 2 diabetic patients, and most of those have... Click HERE for details