Metabolic Control
Sub-Areas to Metabolic Control:
Traditional Medicine
(Journal Article): Genital infections among girls with type 1 diabetes
[No indication of authors]
Akush Ginekol (Sofiia)
2004; 43(4):21-25
The aim of the study was to investigate the relation between genital infections (frequency, etiology, clinical presentation) among girls with type 1 diabetes and some factors as ag...
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(Journal Article): Glycaemic control in a type 1 diabetes clinic for younger adults
Saunders SA, Wallymahmed M, MacFarlane IA
2004; 97(9):575-580
Impact Factor(s) of QJM: 2.58 (2004), 2.395 (2003), 2.601 (2001)
BACKGROUND: In the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT, 1993) tight diabetes control (HbA1c <7%) was associated with significantly less microvascular complications co...
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(Journal Article): Lens fluorescence and metabolic control in type 1 diabetic patients: a 14 year follow up study
Kessel L, Sander B, Dalgaard P, Larsen M
Br J Ophthalmol
2004; 88(9):1169-1172
Impact Factor(s) of Br J Ophthalmol: 2.0 (2004), 2.099 (2003), 1.942 (2001)
BACKGROUND/AIMS: In this prospective study the authors followed the post-translational modification of the proteins of the lens of the eye by fluorometry over a period of 14 years ...
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(Journal Article): "Low Dose" Metformin Improves Hyperglycemia Better Than Acarbose in Type 2 Diabetics
Yajima K, Shimada A, Hirose H, Kasuga A, Saruta T
Rev Diabetic Stud
2004; 1(2):89-94
Impact Factor(s) of Rev Diabetic Stud: 0.125 (2006)
OBJECTIVES: "High dose" metformin therapy (2,550 mg/day) is reported to improve glycemic control in type 2 diabetic patients with obesity (body mass index (BMI) >= 30)...
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