(Journal Article): Identification of a novel transcription factor binding element involved in the regulation by differentiation of the human telomerase (hTERT) promoter.
Tzukerman M, Shachaf C, Ravel Y, Braunstein I, Cohen-Barak O, Yalon-Hacohen M, Skorecki KL
IN: Mol Biol Cell 2000; 11(12):4381-4391
Impact Factor(s) of Mol Biol Cell: 7.517 (2004), 7.454 (2003), 7.599 (2002), 7.7 (2001)

ABSTRACT: Three different cell differentiation experimental model systems (human embryonic stem cells, mouse F9 cells, and human HL-60 promyelocytic cells) were used to determine the relatio... Click HERE for details