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Your search for: 'WHO* AND Diabetes* AND mellitus*' Documents 1 - 10 of 18 matches

1. (Journal Article): Allograft Pancreatic Duct Dilatation Following Bladder Drained Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation: Clinical Significance

Ciancio G, Montalvo B, Roth D, Miller J, Burke GW
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: Radiologic imaging of the allograft pancreatic duct dilatation is an uncommon multifactorial finding that is not well described. The purpose of this investigation is to ...



2. (Journal Article): Insulin resistance, its consequences for the clinical course of the disease, and possibilities of correction in endometrial cancer

Berstein LM, Kvatchevskaya JO, Poroshina TE, Kovalenko IG, Tsyrlina EV, Zimarina TS, Ourmantcheeva AF, Ashrafian L, Thijssen JH
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVES. To study the frequency of insulin resistance (IR) in endometrial cancer patients, its relation to the clinical course of the disease and DNA damage, and to evaluate pos...



3. (Journal Article): Glucagon-like peptide-1, a gastrointestinal hormone with a pharmaceutical potential.

Holst JJ
ABSTRACT: Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is an insulinotropic hormone secreted from endocrine cells in the gut mucosa in response to meal ingestion. It is an important incretin hormone; mic...



4. (Journal Article): Diabetes mellitus: report of a WHO study group. WHO, Geneva.

World Health Organization



5. (Journal Article): Death Pathways in T Cell Homeostasis and Their Role in Autoimmune Diabetes

Gronski MA, Weinem M
ABSTRACT: T cell apoptosis is a process necessary for central and peripheral tolerance. It ensures the proper removal of autoreactive T cells during thymic development as well as T cell home...



6. (Journal Article): Nestin-positive progenitor cells derived from adult human pancreatic islets of Langerhans contain side population (SP) cells defined by expression of the ABCG2 (BCRP1) ATP-binding cassette transporter.

Lechner A, Leech CA, Abraham EJ, Nolan AL, Habener JF
ABSTRACT: The disease diabetes mellitus arises as a consequence of a failure of the beta-cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas to produce insulin in the amounts required to meet ...



7. (Journal Article): Reversal of lesions of diabetic nephropathy after pancreas transplantation.

Fioretto P, Steffes MW, Sutherland DE, Goetz FC, Mauer M
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In patients with type I diabetes mellitus who do not have uremia and have not received a kidney transplant, pancreas transplantation does not ameliorate established les...



8. (Journal Article): Insulin independence after living-donor distal pancreatectomy and islet allotransplantation.

Matsumoto S, Okitsu T, Iwanaga Y, Noguchi H, Nagata H, Yonekawa Y, Yamada Y, Fukuda K, Tsukiyama K, Suzuki H, Kawasaki Y, Shimodaira M, Matsuoka K, Shibata T, Kasai Y, Maekawa T, Shapiro J, Tanaka K
ABSTRACT: Rising demand for islet transplantation will lead to severe donor shortage in the near future, especially in countries where cadaveric organ donation is scarce. We undertook a succ...



9. (Journal Article): Prevalence and magnitude of osteopenia associated with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Kayath MJ, Dib SA, Vieiaa JG
ABSTRACT: The authors evaluated the prevalence, magnitude, and contributing factors for osteopenia in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). We measured bone mineral density (BMD) in th...



10. (Journal Article): A calpain-10 gene polymorphism is associated with reduced muscle mRNA levels and insulin resistance

Baier LJ, Permana PA, Yang X, Pratley RE, Hanson RL, Shen GQ, Mott D, Knowler WC, Cox NJ, Horikawa Y, Oda N, Bell GI, Bogardus C
ABSTRACT: Previous linkage studies in Mexican-Americans localized a major susceptibility locus for type 2 diabetes, NIDDM1, to chromosome 2q. This evidence for linkage to type 2 diabetes was...

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